There is a Better Way

When you design and construct your line, you don’t think of it as temporary or disposable. So, why do think that way about the distribution poles that are a vital component of your line and a direct link to your customers? With even uniformity and outstanding durability, steel and concrete distribution poles offer you a superior alternative to wood poles. Steel poles are designed to meet the same ANSI 05.1 height and class requirements as wood poles when the load factor is in accordance with the National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) Grade B construction design.

Valmont Utility offers standard tapered steel poles that cover a wide range of lengths and capacities. Lengths begin at 30 feet and continue in five-foot increments, to a maximum length of 140 feet. Groundline moment capacities start at less than 50 ft.-kips and continue beyond 1,000 ft.-kips, covering a range from an approximate Class 5 wood pole equivalent to well above the capacity of wood poles.

In addition to increased strengths, steel distribution poles aren’t as vulnerable to rot, insects, birds or fire and offer more distinct benefits:

  • Lower Weight—Approximately 50 – 70% less than comparable wood poles.
  • Uniform Material Strength—Steel poles provide a constant taper without wood twists, knots, splits or sweep, while providing uniform material strength throughout the entire structure, providing more consistent and predictable results than wood.
  • Design Flexibility—Steel poles can be custom-engineered and fabricated to support larger and heavier loadings, greater height requirements and with longer spans than traditional wood poles.
  • Uniform Material Strength—The lighter weight and ability to pre-drill mean steel distribution poles can be installed faster, reducing customer downtime and inconvenience.

Extended Service Life

poles prepared for coating


Whether it’s an above ground option like hot-dip galvanizing or weathering steel, or TriFORCE™, the industry’s best below grade barrier protection, Valmont Utility offers corrosion protection for any environment.

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